Rebuild 2024!
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EVOCONS acude a Rebuild 2024
El equipo EVOCONS® se traslada a Madrid para presentar la tecnología Evoconstructor y sus
últimos avances desde el punto de vista de la robótica y la inteligencia artificial para la
industrialización y digitalización del sector de la construcción.
Entrevista TV Canaria 03.04.2021- EVOCONS
Los medios de comunicación se hacen eco de EVOCONSTRUCTOR®: el único sistema on site en el mundo que va más allá y automatiza la mayor parte de los procesos constructivos: imprime paredes, cerramientos y encofrados; ejecuta enfoscados, bases de pavimento y alicatados; y aplica aislantes térmicos y acústicos, entra otras funciones.
3D Printing Construction Market Size Worth $1.50 Billion By 2027: Grand View Research, Inc.
The global 3D printing construction market size is expected to reach USD 1.50 billion by 2027, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to witness a CAGR of 114.8% from 2020 to 2027. 3D Printing is also referred to as Additive Manufacturing (AM), as it involves the successive addition of layers of materials in various 2D shapes using an additive process. These layered 2D shapes build upon one another to form a three-dimensional object. The process is different from the subtractive method of production, which begins with a block of material and the unnecessary material is ground out to obtain the desired object.
Entrevista a Daniel Lorenzo Pellico, CEO de EVOCONS en RedCide
Entrevista a Daniel Lorenzo Pellico, CEO de Evocons en Redcide
¿Qué logros más importantes has conseguido?
Actualmente contamos con un prototipo de nuestra solución que nos va a permitir validar el sistema durante el primer semestre de 2020 y esperamos poder iniciar la comercialización durante el segundo semestre del próximo año.
¿Qué les ha aportado la Red CIDE?
La Red CIDE nos ha aportado el apoyo y la información necesaria para analizar las diferentes vías de financiación con las que nuestro proyecto de innovación podía contar. Gracias a ello, llegamos en plazo a solicitar la subvención EATIC del Gobierno de Canarias, la cual nos fue concedida posteriormente.
¿Qué diría a otros empresarios?
Es muy importante estar bien informados sobre los apoyos disponibles para llevar a cabo el proyecto de innovación que se pretenda y para eso la Red CIDE cuenta con unos profesionales magníficos y altamente cualificados.
How 3D printing could change the way our homes are built
From computer-generated modeling, to the use of electric vehicles on construction sites, the way buildings are created is changing.
One area that has generated a great deal of interest over the last few years is 3D printing. It’s a process that has already transformed how we produce everything from shoes and face masks to chairs and guitars.
When it comes to the built environment, a number of projects around the world have used the technology to rapidly develop interesting and innovative structures.
The Truth About 3D Printing in Construction
3D printing offers big promises for construction. Will the innovation live up to the hype?
3D printing has been a big buzz term over the past decade–and for good reason. Though initially developed for product prototyping purposes, 3D printing technology has advanced to the point where it has emerged as a key player in a variety of industries.
While clearly, 3D printing technology has proven beneficial in the medical, aerospace, and tool-making arenas since its inception, there’s one other field that’s potentially poised to break out: the construction sector.
With 3D printers now capable of printing building walls and processing cement, the technology could help reshape construction as we know it. But is 3D printing in construction just a fleeting trend or does it have real staying power as a technology that can serve as a key long-term solution? Below, we’ll explore how 3D has been already making waves in construction and what the future looks like.
New era for 3D printing in the construction market
According to a recent study by Transparency Market Research, 3D printing in the construction market is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 33%
In the 3D printing technology, along with hardware and materials, software is also an important element for the development of industrial 3D printing operations.
Based on material type, global 3D printing in the construction industry has been classified into concrete, metal, composite, plastic, and others. Among these materials, concrete is largely used for the construction of 3D printed buildings.
Furthermore, based on printing method, global 3D printing in the construction market has been classified into extrusion, power bonding, and others. Among these, the extrusion method is largely adopted, as the material is precisely applied layer by layer to construct buildings or infrastructure in this method. This is helpful to reduce the wastage of construction material and make the process cost-efficient.
3D printing is rising in use in developed countries to construct buildings rapidly and at an affordable cost is expected to fuel the adoption of 3D printing in construction during the forecast period.
Los edificios construidos con impresión 3D están muy cerca
Los edificios construidos con impresión 3D están muy cerca
La impresión 3D ya está presente en una amplia gama de industrias, desde el sector aeroespacial hasta la odontología. Las máquinas que construyen mediante el uso de capas impresas de materiales sintéticos pueden emplearse para crear piezas fabricadas según una especificación exacta con solo pulsar un botón. Este tipo de sistema ofrece claras ventajas a la industria de la construcción.
Con todo, la impresión 3D de edificios ha sido difícil, especialmente en proyectos que requieren construcciones con altura y a escalas más grandes. Aquí es donde entra en juego el proyecto Evo Constructor (A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery) financiado en el marco de Horizonte 2020.
El equipo del proyecto ha trabajado en una impresora 3D capaz de crear edificios a gran escala utilizando un sistema robótico móvil que puede adaptarse al entorno elegido.
«Hace cincuenta años que se aplican los mismos métodos de construcción. Hemos tenido que empezar de cero para concebir un nuevo sistema de construcción basado en la automatización total de todos los procesos de construcción», comenta Daniel Lorenzo Pellico, director general de EVOCONS Constructora y coordinador del proyecto Evo Constructor.
El proyecto Evo Constructor está creando una solución robótica de impresión 3D para la construcción de edificios a gran escala, lo que permite automatizar la mayor parte de los procesos de construcción.
Evo Constructor puede producir edificios y otras infraestructuras civiles grandes. «Podría construir una casa e, incluso, un centro comercial», afirma Pellico.
A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery
Periodic Reporting for period 1 – Evo Constructor (A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery)
3D printing is an advanced manufacturing process that can produce complex shape geometries automatically from a 3D computer-aided design model. Now, it emerges as an automated manufacturing process that has been applied to the building sector, becoming a revolutionary technology to construct buildings or construction components. However, 3D printing will need so face many challenges before entering the market.
The Evo Constructor project arises as fully Robotic & 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery, since it will allow to automate the vast majority of the constructive processes. Our patented solution consists of a specific 6-axis gantry robot controlled by a specific computer numerical control (CNC) that allows the use of several nozzles, different construction tools and a plurality of sensors at the same time. Evo Constructor provides significant improvements compared to the existing systems in the market and provides a lot of differences characteristics that allow to reach the great goal of being a complete automate system for on-site building constructions.
To understand the great economic savings that our technology provides, it is possible to reduce the cost of the wall construction works by 65% compared to current manual methods, at a cost of less than 8-12 €/m2. Likewise, the workplace accidents and health risks are drastically reduced, and the waste generated is lessen by 90% vs 30-60% of the current 3D Printing systems because we automatize more tasks. Regarding the final costs of a typical construction work, it achieves cut down the cost from 750 to 525 €/m2 (30% savings).
Regarding the overall objectives of Evo Constructor project, we will complete the large-scale prototyping, testing and product industrialization stages required before we are able to offer our solution to companies of the building sector at international level.